Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here's some eye candy to hold you over until Thursday:


Anonymous said...

How about some Hollywood Undead, Undead. Please make sure that it's 'Unedited' love ya Brie and the show too!!!

Angel said...

I want to sign up on this blogger thing too. What site are you using this through? Blogspot? I'll try that out and see if I can't "add" you to my blogspot. Love you and I requested the Hollywood Undead if you couldn't tell! LOL

Sinn Wagon said...

I'll try to iTunes them. Sadly, my poor little Purple People Eater (aka purple iPod nano 8g) has run out of space :'( But we'll definitely get them in there :)

Unknown said...

You should do an all covers play list. I can think of half a dozen off the top of my head that you've already played and another half a dozen at least that you haven't. :-P

Angel said...

That's okay Hun. Do what you can. I love to listen to your show anyway. Oh! If you could, I know it's not a "rock" song but I love Tom Waits, Little Drop of Poison" It speaks to me. LOL

Sinn Wagon said...

Russ, get together a list of covers you wanna hear, and I'll do it! It will mix things up a bit, and it would be tons of fun!