Friday, March 5, 2010

I just put a poll in my sidebar. One of you mentioned doing a whole show devoted to covers. It sounds awesome! However, I want everyone's input. At this point, I probably won't do a show devoted to covers until later in the month or in April. If you would like this type of show, tell me what covers you want to hear! I have to ideas, but input would be awesome!

Getting the business out of the way, Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper are playing the Casper Events Center on May 5, 2010! This is the websites: (the official show website) and (Casper Events Center). Standing room is $45 and stadium is $39.50. This event also gives the option of a dry section of stands for families, younger kids, or anyone abstaining for alcohol.

I'm not sure about my finals' schedule, but I really would like to attend! I'll try to remember to announce this on the show Tuesday.


Angel said...

That is going to be one sick show! I'm excited for it! There's a cover I'd like to hear. "Rusty Cage" I think Johnny Cash did a cover of it from a rock band or was it the other way around...I don't know. But my favorite lyric is "I'm going to break my rusty cage and run." If that helps you out on that. Love the show Babe, keep it up!

Sinn Wagon said...

Does sound right? If so, this is Soundgarden covering Johnny Cash. I put it on my list :)

Angel said...

Yeah that sounds like it. But I was going for the Johnny Cash version of it. That rocks!

Angel said...
Here's Johnny Cash's version of it.